5 Steps to Cleaning Your House While Working From Home
Posted on 18/01/2024
Keeping Your House Clean
Home cleaning is important as a general rule, but when you work at home, it becomes so much more essential. This is where you spend half or most of your day and it needs to be absolutely clean so that it could provide you with a great working atmosphere and a setting that will allow you to flourish in your work without things like dust or dirt getting in the way and distracting or bringing you down with some nasty illness while you’re working. It is much simpler, yet much more extensive than office cleaning, but that is the difficulty with domestic cleaning – you need to know what both the good sides and bad sides are. Here are five steps to take towards a nice clean home office.
Step #1 – Make a Cleaning Routine
A nice house cleaning schedule will go a long way towards finding you the right pace at which to work. A good cleaning schedule will create a routine which you can follow on a daily or weekly basis. Work with that and soon you will have your own pace and rules of home cleaning that will make the whole process almost unnoticeable.
Step #2 – Deal with Dust
The most important part of cleaning when working at home is dealing with the dust. Dust accumulates all the time and whatever you are doing, eventually you will be surrounded with it. What you want to do is have a nice dusting routine on a daily basis, or at least every other day. Always have a duster or a vacuum cleaner, or at least a microfiber cloth around and be ready to use it to decrease the amount of dust you have to combat later on.
Step #3 – Keep It Shiny
A shiny desktop is a well-functioning desktop. Everyone who works at an office will tell you this, so heed this advice: take every advantage you can to scrub the dust and then polish the working space. This will give you a good visual appeal while you are working and this kind of stimulation does work on a rather subconscious level. Try it and see how much more motivated you’ll be to work when there is no need for desktop or upholstery cleaning.
Step #4 – Keep the Seats Comfy
You may work on a desk and a chair, or you may work on the coffee table while sitting in your sofa. Either way, upholstery cleaning is necessary so that you do not feel like sitting in dirt all the time. Make an effort, get it clean, keep it more functional and less as a given.
Step #5 – Don’t Procrastinate
Every now and again you will feel like “you are tired, so you’ll do it later” or that “it’s not so dirty, you’ll wait a bit more”. Don’t. Give yourself one reason to procrastinate and you set a precedent, and good luck coming back from that. Do the cleaning as soon as the schedule tells you to or if you feel that the work space needs cleaning.
Follow these steps and doing the home office cleaning will be a piece of cake. Be disciplined when it comes to it and make sure that you are always ready with a good plan for dealing with the dirt at your work place all the time.